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Iron Curtain in My Backyard – MUSEar launch at the Iron Curtain Museum

In 2019 an international collaboration called Muse.ar was launched with the aim of linking cultural heritage sites with artists and technology developers from different countries. Three experimental collaborations took place at three European heritage sites, including the Iron Curtain Museum in Felsőcsatár on the Austrian-Hungarian border.

This video from October 2022 gives an insight into this process.

A video by Noémi Hatala

Creators in Felsőcsatár: Claudio Beorchia, Mátyás (Mao) Kálmán, Vojtěch Leischner, with Zsuzsa Berecz and Anett Polgár, in close collaboration with Sándor Goják founder & owner of the Iron Curtain Museum.